Hello there! Today I want to talk to you about
an important issue nowadays, which is water waste and a really simple way to reduce
its misuse, saving money at the same time.
We take for granted that water is a right and therefore
it should be at our disposal. But this is no true! It’s widely known that water
is the basis of all life. However, we just realize of their importance when
water supply is cut off and we can’t do common activities such as going to the
bathroom, cooking or doing the laundry.
Water is the most precious resource on earth, but unfortunately it is unevenly distributed around the world. Just for you to
know, here are some facts:
Source: http://water.org/water-crisis/water-facts/water/ |
which means
Source: http://www.unwater.org/water-cooperation-2013/water-cooperation/facts-and-figures/en/ |
Another global issue is related with water scarcity. This problem is twofold: firstly, water use is growing way faster than the rate of population increase and secondly, water reserves are being used faster than they can be replenished.
Source: http://www.unwater.org/water-cooperation-2013/water-cooperation/facts-and-figures/en/ |
Isn’t this extremely unfair? Of course it is!
This is the reason why having water in the comfort of our homes is a PRIVILEGE
and; therefore we must be conscious and preserve this invaluable resource.
But, how can we preserve it? Did you know that –roughly
speaking– 70% of water use in households occurs indoors? Or that more than 60%
of this use occurs in the bathroom? Take a look at this image:
As you may see in the picture, taking a shower
is the activity in which we spent the highest amount of water in households. We
spend about 200 liters of water in a ten-minute shower, on average, according
to the World Health Organization. That is the daily amount of water that 14 persons need in a week.
Come to think of it, the time we spend while
showering is an important topic and it should concern all of us. But, what can
we do in order to reduce our daily water consumption?
I know that sometimes it may be difficult to include
something new in our routine. But believe me; with this method you won’t have
this problem. How do I know this? Because I started to use it some weeks ago
and I can say that it works, well at least for me. It’s really simple.
The idea consists of reducing the time you
spend in the shower, but in a funny way. The only thing you have to do is put a
song when you’re going to take a shower and finish before the music is over. It’s
easy, simple and you don’t even have to spend money on those faucet aerators.
With this method, you will reduce your daily
showering time to a maximum of 5 minutes (about 60 liters of water). This will
allow you to save up to 4.000 CLP* per month, which means significant savings
for an average family. Keep in mind that this figure is just for one person, so
imagine if another roommate applies the same strategy. This would mean 96.000
CLP in savings in a year. And yet we’re not considering your gas consumption,
because this measure will also help you to reduce your gas bill. Make the
Of course, it’s also a good idea to buy a water-saving
low-flow shower head (faucet aerators) because it can reduce up to 50% in your water
use. But in Going Green Now, we
believe that any change starts with a change of perspective. First of all, we
have to learn the importance of water in order to appreciate its value, and
then we’ll really be conscious and reduce its use. Only then, our actions will
be meaningful.