Friday, June 12, 2015

A thought on pets

They are everywhere, in parks, on the streets and in almost every public space. Some of them are more exotic than others and some have been among us for thousands of years. Obviously, I’m talking about pets. We have to acknowledge their importance in our lives whether we see them as our companions, guardians, friends or another member of the family. 

The significance of their role can be observed in the increasing number of people that own animal companions (70% of Chileans decide to introduce a cat or dog into the 
household[1]) and the amount of money we are willing to spend on them. According to recent data, a dog owner spends up to 300,000 CLP per year in food, veterinary care, pet grooming and entertainment[2]. Bear in mind that this is only an estimate for dogs, this figure is likely to increase if you own exotic animals such as hedgehogs, iguanas, ferrets, etc. Having a pet is like having a child, you have to be aware or your responsibilities. If you want to have a pet, you must be sure of it because you most certainly will have to spend time and money on them. I just want to say one more thing on this subject: don’t purchase your pet. Even if the market allows you to do so. Nowadays, many people objectify their domestic animals, parading them around as a sign of economic accomplishment. Did you know that depending on the race you can pay CLP 80,000-3,000,000 for a dog? This frivolous act sends a terrible message to society. Pets are not goods. Pets are living beings capable of experiencing human-like feelings, we owe them respect. Besides, there are hundreds of abandoned animal companions that are just as likely to give you love and company. Choose wisely.

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