Friday, June 12, 2015

Got a green idea?

Hi guys again! How is your process to a greener life? With our pieces of advices, do you feel already going green? Well, I hope so.

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We often forget about the first two “R’s”. We tend to think that with recycling is enough, but it isn’t. It is time to redirect our attention.

In this post, I would like to share with you one idea for reusing, in order to show you that if you want to start living a greener life, you just need good attitude and a little bit of imagination. Just look around and play with the possibilities.

Each year I select my study materials for discarding, but this time I wanted to do something different. I felt that recycling paper and putting it into a recycling bin wasn’t enough. I want to reuse them as much as possible. I wanted to do something useful so, I decided to make my own second-hand notebooks, which I’m using this semester at the university.

I collected white paper used for one side only, I took 3 or 4 sheets, and I folded them in half and cut them. All the paper was placed into piles of 160 sheets and then bounded. The result: a spiral-bound notebook of 160 sheets only for CLP 800, while a 100-sheet notebook can cost CLP 1,290 in the market. Maybe, there is not a huge difference in prices. However, my notebook lasts 2 months, approximately, while the other one lasts about 2 weeks, so I have to buy 2 per month, which means CLP 1,780 in savings.

This is just an example to show you that there is no need to have a BIG idea just a green one.

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